BAME in Property co-sponsors new industry-wide Diversity Pledge
Please note that this article was published prior to the new brand name of PREACH Inclusion® on 25 April 2024, so you will notice references to BAME in Property.
BAME in Property is proud to co-sponsor New London Architecture's Diverse Leaders Pledge. As one of the leading ethnic diversity organisation's in the built environment industry, BAME in Property welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with an array of diversity networks, all making significant progress in their own right. Together we bring more skills, expertise and most importantly, the intersection of diversity, crucial to making lasting change.
The 14 organisations part of the Diverse Leader’s Pledge.
As a group of 14 organisations, we are inviting you as industry leaders to join us in making a pledge to help make the built environment sector more representative through the recruitment, progression and advocacy.
The built environment industry has identified the need to overcome chronic discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, age and socio-economic background to create a strengthened, resilient and representative workforce.
Diversity is an asset to any organisation, with a diverse workforce a business can expect diverse and dynamic solutions and outputs, appealing to broader audiences and ultimately becoming a more successful and profitable business. A McKinsey & Company global study from 2019 found that ethnically diverse companies are 36% more likely to have financial returns above national industry medians and gender diverse companies are 25% more likely to do the same.
We recognise that diversity and inclusion are multifaceted issues and that we need to tackle these subjects holistically to better engage and support all underrepresented groups within our industry. To do this, we believe we also need to address honestly and head-on the concerns and needs of people from underrepresented and non-traditional backgrounds and increase equity for all. Collectively as industry leaders we agree that we must do more.
For us, this means committing to measurable goals over the coming years that we believe will catalyse change, enabling engagement, action and progress around diversity and inclusion within the workplace, fostering collaboration across the built environment industry as a whole.
Sign up to the Diverse Leaders Pledge here.
Commenting on the pledge, BAME in Property Founder and Director, Priya Shah said:
"BAME in Property is proud to support the NLA's diversity pledge. It's not only important but necessary for the industry at such a crucial time in economic and social times. I hope lots of companies sign up to this pledge and use it as an opportunity to make some long-term, tangible changes, which will really benefit current and future employees. Let’s be transformative, not just performative."
You can read more about the pledge here.